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The idea for this website came about a couple of years ago when I had been making music as a hobby for some time and published music as an indie artist. Marketing was then and still is one of the most difficult challenges for an indie artist and why not also for signed artists.

While exploring different music promotion services and social media, I felt that I did not find a service that was suitable, easy to use and affordable for my needs. When, in addition to music, I enjoy coding and have done various web projects throughout my life, why not combine these two favorite hobbies together.

The goal in the project is ease of use, no more taking and sending screenshots. I tried to find a model where on one page you can see all received promotion actions for specified song and same time can reply to received promotion. Easy, comfortable and fast. And of course also suitable for an indie artist's wallet.

Another goal is to build a friendly community from the service that collaborates for the good of everyone across different genres. Let's spread the word and make this a functional and comfortable community for everyone.

Via the form below, you can send feedback, development ideas, greetings or whatever comes to mind. I try to answer messages as best as I can, but since this is a part-time hobby, I can't answer all of them.

Marko Elevaara
